to shadowmuse blown's blog

here you will find all nature of BE stories
although i do have a fondness for breast expansion via implants

>>>>>>>------- nevada is coming -------<<<<<<<

my "Revenge" Blog
can be accessed for a one-time payment
of $29
see sidebar, below, for subscribing

all material copyright 2025 by shadowmuse blown

Friday, October 20, 2017

Shadowmuse-Blown-Revenge Blog Has Gone Private

My "Revenge" Blog has gone private and all future posts will be available only to those who send  $26 (sorry, this has been upped by a dollar to cover PayPal's fee when requesting goods or services) and email me their email address that they will sign-on with, much the same way I granted access to many of you on my old blog.  I will soon repost the current chapters of "Revenge", here, on this blog, so that anyone who is interested can read the beginning of the novel and see if they're interested in joing my "Revenge" Blog.

The Revenge Blog will feature one or two posts a month, until the posts catch up with what I'm writing, and then, I'm guessing that it will probably be more like one post a month or so, depending on how long it takes me to finish a chapter.  There's quite a bit of material, however, that I've already written, that needs to get posted before you all catch up to the point where I'm currently writing.  Now that I've posted the story up to the point were Tory swells to 10,000ccs, I will tell you that I spend a good deal of time with her at that size, getting into some details of her day to day life, as well as a few "adventures" that she gets into.  Her relationship with Ken gets explored, and its dynamics change quite a bit, as many of you are aware from my Christmas posts of "Revenge", which takes place just before Tory gets pumped to the next size.  Many people asked about how different Ken is to Tory in those posts, and my answer was: "You are reading a segment of the story that takes place much later than the earlier posts from the story."  I hope everyone will enjoy watching Tory grow, not only in chest size, but in mental attitude, as well, and I hope you all find how the dynamics between Tory and Ken change as something very interesting, indeed.  Once you're part of the privatized "Revenge" blog, you will be able to read and comment and as ask questions and make suggestions about the story, and, hopefully, you all will offer some feedback which will make the story even hotter and more interesting.

Look to the right-hand side panel describing how to "sign up" for the "Revenge" Blog.