to shadowmuse blown's blog

here you will find all nature of BE stories
although i do have a fondness for breast expansion via implants

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Saturday, May 26, 2018

"POSSESSIONS" Book 1: Tara, Chapter 2 - Part 3

My apologies: a very short installment after such a long wait.  Will try to get to post more of it next weekend.

(Please be aware that Tara's breasts explode in this short installment.)

Book 1: "Tara"
Chapter 2

Tara first became aware of the pain as she rose to consciousness.  Not the intense searing pain that she’d felt before, but the ache like when her breast were bloated during PMS—only far more severe.

“That’s it baby, come back from the Land of Nod.”

It was Kals voice!  Pushing back the cobwebs in her brain, Tara forced her eyes open.  Her face was held in his hands and he was looking down on her.  He was so damn gorgeous!

“Kiss me,” she whispered, and he did.  It thrilled her from her toes to the tips of her insanely stuffed nipples, forty feet away.  His lips were so soft, his tongue so slick and delicious.  When he withdrew, she realized that the red-flushed, flesh-colored wall behind him, was, in fact, her own right breast pumped up until it had nearly exploded.  She looked up and smiled.  They were in a deep chasm between two impossibly enormous—and round—spheres.  Each one was forty-two feet across.  “Is that really me?” she asked, a great big smile across her face.

“You bet your boobs, it is,” he replied with a shit-eating-grin.

She brought her gaze down to where two funnels of skin tapered down from the red spheres until they ended at her torso.

“Are you okay, baby?” he asked.  “It’s up to you: we can purge your boobs of the elixir or we can go all the way.  What do you want do do?”

She looked at him as if he were crazy. “Blow me up, Baby!” she squealed.  “Pump me till they explode!  I want to feel you blast me full of your hot cum!”

He laughed--her words getting him ultra-hard--and after another passionate kiss, got behind her and slowly slid his monster cock deep within her super-lubricated canal.  Tara moaned deeply as he filled her.  He placed a hand on either of her over-round buttocks as he felt the ecstasy of her luscious interior.  She felt so incredibly delicious in there!

When he was in as far as his foot-long weapon could go, Tara felt the bulge in her tummy and squealed with delight. 

“Pump me, baby!  Pump me!” she cried.  “Pump my cunt while you pump up my blimps!  Oh baby!”

He began to stroke her—noticing his actions disturbed her twin planets not one bit.  They were far too vast for something like a human to affect them.  Faster and faster he fucked her as she cried in delight until he felt himself near the precipice.  Then he hit the button: FULL FORCE.

Her scream pierced his eardrums like a sword and her arms flung out helplessly.  He held tightly onto her waist and watched, on the monitors, as her nipples re-inflated instantly to their largest glory and then swelled even bigger, forming ripples of stretch marks—her areolas lifted off the platforms that temporarily supported them as they swelled ever larger.


She was actually swelling even bigger!

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Kal slowed his pace as s small puncture let loose in Tara’s right areola allowing a half-inch stream of elixir to shoot through at high pressure.  Then, another little geyser erupted.  And another. 

And another.

Within seconds, a handful of geysers were spewing the white elixir from various point of her insanely bloated areola.  It looked for all the world like milk to Kal, though he knew better, of course.

Tara’s screams ceased as she lost her voice, though her movements were more frantic than ever as each new geyser’s sharp pain ripped through her house-sized tits.  Her elixir-spewing areolas were now another foot wider at eleven feet across and dozens of geysers spewed elixir now.

Kal knew that he’d lose it any second.  The amount of elixer spewing from her areaolae was meager compared to the insane amount being forced into her monster tits.

Her nipples were bloated beyond recognition: gigantic round hyper-swollen spheres that were easily a foot and half wide.  They gushed elixir from around where the tubes entered her, like a garden hose connection with a faulty washer.  Everything—nipples, areolas and breasts—were a bright red.  Hundreds of geysers had now erupted from her tortured areolas to blast elixir in all directions.

But it wasn’t enough to offset the tremendous pressure of the pumps and she continued to expand.  Any instant now those over-burdened—

Suddenly, Kal heard a high-pitched whine and then her areolas were gone—replaced by a white cloud.  In the very next instant her impossibly huge mega-blimps disintegrated as if every square inch of flesh had simply been shredded apart by the tremendous pressure from within.

In that instant, Kal came harder than he’d ever known in his life.

In the very next moment thousands of gallons of elixir crashed down on Tara and Kal—he felt her body slam against the bars of the cage-suit he wore even as his own body was slammed into the netting.  A heavy thud against his helmet was Tara’s own helmet striking his.  He was suddenly blind—the faceplate of the helmet was awash with the white elixir.

His cock blasted Tara’s cunt deep and hard and long as he held her prone form—thick, copious buckets of semen gushed out of her canal.

It was the most intense orgasm he could ever recall and it blurred his mind of everything except the repeated images of her planets’ explosive end as he came and came and came.

He knew he’d play with her many more times—but wondered if he could ever get the resources to make her even bigger one day.  On the other hand, would it make a difference?  Would he get more excited if her tits swelled to eighty feet across instead of forty?  How could he experience it in a way that would excite him?  Surely, it would be difficult to fathom a larger size.  Once an object reaches a certain size, it becomes difficult for a human to relate ever larger sizes.  Had he reached the upper limit of how big he could pump a woman’s tits and have it excite him ever more?  Perhaps increasing the size of the breasts was not the answer to exciting him further.  Perhaps a different situation would be the answer.  What would it be like to expand her in a public place.  Fuck her while her tits inflated before onlookers: watch the shocked look on their faces as Tara’s breasts exploded before their eyes…

Yeah, he’d blow her up and pop her again and again and again. 

And she’d love every minute of it.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

"POSSESSIONS" Book 1: Tara, Chapter 2 - Part Two

Wow, Tara's big.  And she's gonna get so much bigger in this segment.  It was fun to blow her up so impossibly huge, but really, once breasts get to the size of forty feet across, they lose a lot of erotic value to me, I guess 'cause it just becomes too hard to relate to that size.

Spoiler alert: Tara does not explode in  this post.  Somehow she manages to hang on until the next post before that happens.

Let me know what you think!

As always, be aware that this is a first draft and is bound to have type-Os, etc.

Book 1: Tara
Chapter 2

Cris Helmare

P A R T   T W O

15’ wide by 16’ long

Tara could feel the greater force as the influx of Elixer stretched and pumped her ever larger and faster.  She could actually watch her own breasts swell ever greater beside the two small women who attempted to tease her areolas.

18’ wide by 18’ long

Although her areolas had stretched to an astonishing two meters in width, it was proving too difficult for the women to continue their ministrations.  Savannah slipped on the oiled floor at one point and it was quite obvious that she could be crushed to death by Tara’s ever-swelling tanks of lust.

“Girls,” came Perianna’s voice.  “Time to get out of there.  The safety margin has been exceeded.”

The safety margins had been exceeded? Tara thought.  That meant that she could blow at any time!

21’ wide by 21’ long

Kal hit the button to stop the pumps.

“Don’t stop now, baby!” Tara cried out.  “Make me bigger!  BIGGER!  Make me bust!  Oh please make me bust!”

Reluctantly, Kal withdrew his massive foot-long ramrod very carefully.

“Holy shit,” he said with a wry smile once his leaking member was clear of her lips.  His pole was scarlet red and its head was as big as his fist.

That was inside me?” she wondered with a light head.

“Baby,” he said, “you nearly made me cum by telling me that you wanted to bust.”  He laughed.  “But we gotta take some precautions.”

The two Amazons left the room for a few minutes while Kal kissed Tara and stroked her wall of boobs.  Soon the two women returned with some sort of equipment and ascended the raised dais that Tara and Kal stood upon.  A brace was set into the floor behind Tara and Kal.  It was like a giant horseshoe that rose higher than their heads.  Kal was given a face-plated helmet and some sort of rigid jacket to wear.  The women closed it around his torso like a clamshell.  For Tara, they placed another face-plated helmet on her with a wire leading down somewhere.  When the women were done, they got Tara back into the slings and Kal re-entered her.

The women then affixed a type of webbing to the brace so that one could not walk under the horseshoe.  The webbing was directly behind Kal. 

It’s a net to catch us when my tits explode, Tara realized.  Can’t have us being blasted off this platform!

Once the hyper-muscular Amazons were done, they approached Tara from either side.
“You’re so lucky!” Savannah gushed, tears streaming down her cheeks.  She leaned forward and gave Tara a passionate kiss on the lips while holding her head.  When she finished, Tara turned to Morgan.

Blessed, is the word,” Morgan said, and also kissed Tara, forcing her thick tongue deep down Tara’s throat as she did.  Then both women retreated down the ladder.

“You ready baby?” Kal asked, holding out the remote for her to see.

Tara felt a thrill run up her spine.  This was already on a scale for surpassing “yesterday”.  Her breasts were already over twenty feet across!  And who knew how much bigger she may yet get?  She might grow far far bigger—or she may explode as soon as Kal hit the switch.  She was intensely excited—and very apprehensive.  Why were they given helmets and Kal given additional protective gear?  Could they get hurt when she blew?

“Kal—“ she asked, tentatively.


“What is all this extra stuff for?”

He laughed.  “To protect us when you explode, baby,” he said matter-of-factly.  “You don’t want us to get blown off this platform when you pop, do you?  Remember how we were thrown to the floor last time?   The floor’s a long way down, here.”

“What about the wires in my helmet?”

“It’s to gather brain wave data,” he replied.  “No big deal.”

“Why are you wearing that metal vest?”

“It’s just an added precaution.  We can’t fit one to you because your breasts are in the way.  It’s not really necessary,” he lied.  “You still want to do it?”

She turned her head to try to see as much of his face as she could.  “Absolutely!”

“That’s my girl!” he smiled and moved his finger to hover over the #10.  “You give the word!”

He held out the remote where Tara could see it.  She turned back to look over her now round, insanely enormous spheres of wonder.  Her heart raced as she looked out over the vast twin hills that spread out before her.  She looked at the white-filled tubes that descended from the ceiling to her unseen nipples twenty-six feet away.  These GUY-normous tanks were actually her own flesh!  She reached out to run her hands from where her breasts grew from her torso to feel the skin as it swelled away far from her chest wall.  How impossibly VAST!  And it was HER!  She checked the monitors—the two little figures standing next to the two orb-shabed tanks were her and Kal on the platform.  The forward view showed her areolas stretched out to nine feet in diameter, rising an impossible five feet out from the curve of her bosom, topped by those poor thick nipples with the tubes shoved deep inside them.  Her nipples, at least, were no larger, but every other part of her breasts certainly were!

How much bigger will I get?she wondered. 

“Go,” she said, suddenly, with no particular emphasis.

A click of the remote and Tara saw the lines jump—heard the whine of the pumps outside of the warehouse—felt the surge within her mighty mountains—felt the wave of force within the elixir as it hit her chest wall—saw the wall of flesh before her, bulge with the sudden pressure. 

It was a lot of pressure.

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“Oh baby!” she squealed.  “Watch ‘em grow!”  She pressed her hands into the wall of bosom before her.  She found it far more difficult to push against than before.  Her hand only sank in a few inches now.  It was heady stuff to watch such a vast container that was part of herself rise before her.

Kal could see that her breasts were becoming denser.  Her hand didn’t sink into her breasts very far, at all.  He stroked her slowly—he wanted this to last, but he was so excited that he doubted that he could wait to cum until she popped.  It felt so good to slide his canon up into her tight canal.  All the way in.  At one point embedded completely to the hilt within her, he reached around to feel her stomach protruding fiercely.  He smiled.  He was far too big to fit inside her without poking out her abdomen like this.  Tianli had worked hard on this one—Tara’s vagina had had to be changed to stretch large enough to fit his full twelve inches of length, but then her abdomen had to be changed to allow her abdominal muscles and skin to stretch enough for his great size to protrude outward several inches.

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“Oh baby, oh baby!”  Tara called to him, as she pushed her hand into her breast-wall.  It barely made a dent.

“You’re getting full,” he told her.  “How do you feel?”

“I can feel the pressure—It’s… it’s weird.  It presses against my rib cage and I can feel the skin on my breasts… It’s like any minute they’re gonna begin to—oooooohhh!

“What is it?” he asked.

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“It’s beginning to feel uncomfortable,” she reported.

He pressed his hand into her breast.  It didn’t budge.

“The stretching feels forced now,” she said—an unpleasant look on her face.

36 x 36

Indeed, Kall noticed a change in the shape of her breasts—especially as he looked at them on the monitors.  They were growing very spherical.  The valley of her cleavage grew as her breasts grew from roundish bags to very very circular spheres.

“Kal, the skin at my chest hurts,” she announced.

Kal could see why: as her breasts became more spherical, and each pushed away from the other, they only wanted one point of contact between them.  This point had to be Tara, of course, as she was attached to them both.  Imagine two basketballs resting next each other: they will touch at only one point.  Now imagine a little three-inch-high Polly Pocket doll glued to the basketballs at her chest and you have a pretty good approximation of how Tara would be situated.  Unfortunately, the position of the platform that Tara and Kal were on made it difficult—if not impossible—for her to be at that center and the two weather-balloon-sized breasts began to pull mercilessly at Tara’s chest wall.

Suddenly, Tara’s breasts rose quickly in height.  Tara moaned deeply at the pull on her torso as they seemed to swell exponentially faster. 

Kal was confused until he realized that her breasts were not suddenly rising at all—the platform was lowering.

“Kal,” came Peri’s voice in his earpiece, “I’m lowering the platform and will try to keep it at the intersection of her breasts.  Or should I say, ‘where her breasts want to intersect’!  Dr. Chin indicated that this would happen.  The skin and underlying tissue nearest her torso, and at the attachment point, is engineered to be extremely tough and resilient for this very reason.  But, if I don’t try to keep you guys at the center of those bombs, the strain might prove too much.  We don’t want those babies ripping the flesh from her ribcage, do we?”

“I must’ve missed that part of Tianli’s briefing,” he said.

Tara, for her part, had no idea who Kal was talking to, but she was in too much discomfort to ask.

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“Can’t we get crushed by her own boobs if you move us at the their meeting point?” Kal wanted to know.

“The harness behind you should protect you,” Peri said.  “You really were not listening to Dr. Chin, were you?”

Kal shrugged.  This was fascinating.  By the time Peri had them positioned between the two swelling globes, they were two nearly perfect spheres attached to Tara by cones of taught skin.  Kal looked up from the valley of her cleavage—they were literally in Tara’s cleavage—to watch the monitors overhead.  Her nipples pointed out at 45 degree angles, unseen directly by the copulating pair at the center.

Tara screamed as her breasts became a deep red from the internal pressure.  She had thought that it wouldn’t hurt as much this time.  But she had been in agony last time.  Why would it be different when she was so MUCH bigger?  She laughed inwardly—it didn’t matter how much it hurt, what mattered was making Kal cum inside her—to make him cum like he’d never cum before.

But the cost was tremendous!  She was nearly being crushed—or ripped apart—to death by her own super tanker-sized bosoms.  It appeared that the only thing that was keeping their great weight from crushing them was the metal hoop behind Kal—and perhaps the platform, itself.  It was a living nightmare.  Her own breasts had swollen to IMPOSSIBLY GARGANTUAN dimensions.  What was as big?  Weather balloons?  She was trapped between her own breasts—force-pumped to the size of weather balloons!  Whereas before she had felt like her torso had been glued to a flesh wall that was her breasts, now it seemed as though she had twin cones projecting from her chest that were attached to twin PLANETS—as round as the Moon in the sky.  She felt the horrible pressure build within them—saw her skin turn bright red as the pain grew so intense that tears were forced from her eyes.

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Huge bands of darker skin appeared across her skin as it stretched beyond its capacity.  She could feel the elixir still pumping, full force, into her nipples and felt a weird and painful sensation around them.  A look at a monitor showed her areolas inflating like smaller balloons on the fronts of her super round spheres.  While the base of her areolae was still nine feet wide, they ballooned ever wider at their diameters: fifteen feet wide, twenty feet wide and bright red.  Her nipples bulged round, now, too—ten inches wide and looking ready to pop their tubes back out any second. 

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Dimly, she was aware of someone screaming and became aware that it was herself.  The pain was so intense that she was close to blacking out.

Kal watched the monitors in excited fascination, her screams arousing him all the more because of what they foretold.  He watched her arms flail about irrationally.  She was going to rupture any second!  Her areolas ballooned to twenty-five foot spheres atop her forty-two foot wide breasts.  He couldn’t control it any longer…

He came HARD.

As soon as his member detonated he hit the stop button. 
Don’t explode yet, he thought wildly as his missile blasted her insides so intensely that he could feel her stomach bulge further with the pressure.  He had tried to hold off to the magic moment of eruption, but the intense sight of her tortured breasts was just too exciting and he’d finally succumbed.

I didn’t explode!

And he’s cumming!

Through the intense waves of pain, Tara felt his release deep deep inside herself and she cam hard, too—even as she fought for consciousness through the searing agony.  She was so happy—she had driven him so crazy with excitement that he’d cum without her popping!  Her body shook like a rag doll from the waves of orgasms that rippled through her body.  She came and came until she finally, mercifully, blacked out.
Kal watched her head slump over as he held onto her hips, his member gushing and gushing up into her vaginal canal, filling it like a little balloon until it overflowed.  His cum poured out of her lower lips onto the platform and then ran over the sides to mix with the oil on the warehouse floor below.

When he finished using her, five minutes later, he withdrew and left her hanging by her own breasts and the slings.  He would be back after dinner.

Indira entered the room only seconds after Kal had departed.  She knew what to expect, but the sight that met her drew a tear from her eyes none-the-less.  She clicked her earpiece on. 

“Peri?  It’s Indira.  Let’s back-pump five hundred gallons, okay?” she asked, as she walked around the nightmare scene.

“Five hundred?” Peri asked.  “You sure?”

“We need to step her back just a tad.  Five hundred per breast, please—Kal may be a while.”  She had wanted to tell Peri to suck out a thousand or ten thousand gallons, but knew that that would result in a direct call to Kal.  Not that five hundred gallons would help poor Tara much at all.  Visibly, no one would notice!  She changed channels on her cell.

“Dori?  Indira.”  Now she was speaking to her own people, not Kal’s. “We need an IV drip.  She needs serious rehydration.  Also get some elevating platforms—she needs about a truckload of salve.  Oh—and make sure that IV contains a sedative, too—I don’t want her waking up until Kal comes back.  No need to subject her to any more pain than necessary.”

“Right,” came her co-worker’s voice.  “The doctor should be there in about fifteen minutes.”

“Yeah,” Indira said, shaking her head, “I’m sure she’ll want to see this.  You getting the video feed?”

“Holy shit!” Dori came back as she finally saw Tara’s images.  “She used to be a woman with big breasts.  Now she’s a pair of monster breasts with a woman attached!”

“Can you get an extra pair of platforms to support what’re supposed to be her areolas?  They’re so big that I’m afraid of what the strain of hanging there for several hours will do.”

“I’ve never seen anything like this, Indira,” came Dori’s voice in the earpiece.  “And that’s sayin’ somethin’.  This is fucking scary as hell!”

You got that right, Indira thought as she nodded.  Wearing special shoes that allowed her to gain grip on the oil-slick floor, she circled Tara’s tortured form.  “She looks so close to rupturing,” Indira realized.  With that, she heard the compressors kick in and watched the elixir lines jump as Dori sucked out the five hundred gallons of elixir in each hot-air-balloon-sized bosom.

Indira watched as Tara’s nipples deflated to half their ballooned width as some of the extra pressure was relieved.  Tara had probably been close to exploding any second, she figured.

“I would never had thought that it would be possible to blow up a pair of breasts this big,” Dori remarked.

“Dr. Chin told me that she could have actually made them bigger, but that Kal couldn’t get enough elixir made and the equipment to store it, yet,” Indira said.

“What’s the fucking point of blowing them up this big?” Dori wondered.

“You know it gets him off,” Indira replied.

“So, get a subscription to the BE Archive for goodness sake!”

Indira laughed.

“I’m serious, Indira,” Dori replied.  “This is sick stuff.  And you want to know what’s really scary?  All his girls are jealous of Tara.”

“Have you met Kal in person?” Indira suddenly asked.


“Well, I have,” Indira continued.  “Once, after forgetting to take my antedote.”


“I was strongly attracted to him.  I wanted to have his children.”


“Yeah…” Indira said with a shudder of memory.  “Really.”

As much as Indira wanted to cry for what was being done to this poor girl, she was also fascinated by the spectacle before her.  Tara’s areolas especially fascinated her.  She stood below one of the twin globes that now sprouted some ten feet above the floor.  It was bright red in color and decorated with thousands of lateral lines that Indira knew were stretch marks—very soon the entire areola would fly apart when it could no longer contain its high pressure elixir.  The stretch marks ran from breast to nipple, looking vaguely like the longitudes on a globe.  Indira shook her head.  When this woman was a beautiful D cup, her areolas had probably been a couple of inches wide, perhaps pink or brown with a slightly pebbled surface.  This bloated Olympus-sized monstrosity didn’t resemble an areola at all.  It was super-smooth, all imperfections stretched out by the extreme pressure.  How could this enormous spheroid be her areola?

Indira shook her head and continued to walk around the object d’art that had once been a woman. 

Of course, Indira realized, this particular woman never really had D cup breasts, did she?

The technicians entered with their mobile platforms to prop up Tara’s hyper-bloated areolae while she waited to have her bosoms exploded.

Indira looked at the thick tubes shoved deep into those over-stuffed spigots that were once nipples.

Once again, thought Indira, when Kal returns, those tubes will force insane amounts of elixir into Tara’s breasts—purposely forcing more than her giant bombs can contain until they physically rupture.  Then her mighty leviathans will explode—blasting elixir everywhere…  Why?  Just to make some heartless bastard cum!  So fucking sick!

“Indira,” came Dr. Chin’s voice as she entered the room, “thanks for covering for me.”

Indira crossed the warehouse to meet Dr. Chin at the foot of the platform.  She filled in the doctor on what she had requested.

“Good moves,” Chin said and ascended the ladder with a pack of medical instruments.  “Get a team together to apply some salve to this creature’s breasts, please.”

“At once, doctor,” Indira said, kicking herself for not getting a team to apply the salve faster.

A few minutes later as Indira and several others prepared to apply the vast amounts of the salve to Tara’s over-stretched skin, Indira heard Dr. Chin exclaim.

“Peri!” she cried out after listening to Tara’s heartbeat.  “Contact Kal immediately!  This woman’s heart can’t sustain this situation much longer.  I’m setting up an EKG, such as I can, but he doesn’t have much time before she goes into cardiac arrest at this rate!”

“Yes, ma’am!”

Chin had the EKG running by the time Indira joined her on the platform.  “You see?” Chin asked her, indicating the readings.  “Her heart is stressed too greatly by the extended mass of blood vessels, especially since they’re under such tremendous strain from the pressure.”  She shook her head.  “She wasn’t meant to be left in this condition.  It’s too much for too long.”

“Should we reverse the flow, doctor?” Indira asked.

Chin looked at her in surprise.  “Certainly not,” she said, tersely.

“But, Doctor, she could die in this condition.”
“She could die when her breasts rupture, Indira—does it matter which way she goes?”