to shadowmuse blown's blog

here you will find all nature of BE stories
although i do have a fondness for breast expansion via implants

>>>>>>>------- nevada is coming -------<<<<<<<

my "Revenge" Blog
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all material copyright 2025 by shadowmuse blown

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Experiment 1

Hi, welcome back to my blog!  It's been a while since I posted anything here, I know.  Most of my time writing has been taken up with writing "Revenge" and a script I've been developing for a fundraiser.

I get a lot of little ideas that I play around with in my head, and sometimes I decide to include the ideas as part of a story I'm writing, or as a new story.  That's how "Revenge" started: from a daydream I had while in Eliza's bedroom one sleepy Saturday morning while waiting for her to get out of the shower.  But this "story" isn't really a full blown story, at all, but a scene, perhaps.  I just liked this bit I had boppin' around in my head, and don't really think I'll ever get to putting it in a story, but I really wanted to write it down.  So, here it is.  This is the first part.  There will probably only be two parts.  Not sure how it will "end", but I'll talk about that in a later post.

As always, please realize that this is a rough draft and is prone to a ton of errors.



Shadowmuse Blown

Tony had no idea how he had gotten where he was.

He was lying on some sort of gurney that was set at a forty-five degree angle in a small dark room devoid of an ornamentation.  This allowed him to see directly in front of himself.  The room was perhaps ten by ten feet, and it's sole feature was a clear panel that looked out into a larger lit room where his step mother, Elise, was standing, facing him.

It was then that Tony—who was 18—realized that he was naked, for his cock stirred at the site of Elise, who was stacked, and currently wearing nothing but a bra, corset, and panties.

Actually, Elise—who was a young-looking forty—was more than just stacked: she was huge, her big brontosaurs sitting within her T-cup bra.  She had had that pink brassiere custom made and was now nearly big enough to fill it out properly. She had 3800ccs pumped into those lust balloons and every time she went for a fill, it just drove Tony further crazy with excitement.

Right now he was mortified that she could not only see him naked, but that he was getting excited upon seeing her, to boot.

But she showed no signs that she was aware of him.  Was he on the other side of one-way glass?  Tony began to panic as he realized that he was actually strapped down to the gurney.  Who had done this and why?

Damn, she was hot.  Slim gorgeous, and superblown and gaining a cupsize every month or two, she was a teenager's wet dream. But she was married to his father!  He knew his dad liked them buxom, but he had hit the jackpot with this woman, with whom he'd been married to for the past ten years.  She had been a double D in those days and Tony had been only eight years old, so he had never thought about how big a chest she had in hose days. But when he had hit puberty, he certainly had taken note of Elise's ever swelling tits, that's for sure.

Her goal of 4000ccs, he knew, was just within reach.  But she would be more than big enough to taunt him without ever trying, that's for sure.

It was then that he realized that Elise had two clear tubes running from her armpits up to the ceiling, where they disappeared.

Was she here for her last 200ccs?

But what was he doing here?

This didn't look like a doctor's office, that was for sure.

Tony realized that Elise was acting as if she were just becoming aware of her surroundings, herself, as if she had only just woken a few moments ago.  He now saw that she had leather cuffs around her ankles attached to cords that lay loosely on the floor, running off in opposite directions. The corset was actually some sort of harness attached to a large mechanical arm which ran up into the ceiling.

"Where am I?" she asked in the deep, honey voice of hers. "I came in for my last fill," she said, trying to remember, "and they sat me down, and a new nurse gave me an injection...". She trailed off. "I remember asking her what the injection was for, I'd never needed one before.  She had smiled down at me..."

Elise shook her head, her thick shoulder length red hair bounced about in response.

"That's the last thing I remember."

"Elise!" he called out. "Can you hear me?"

"Tony?" she asked. "Where are you?  What's going on?  Where am I?"

Before Tony could answer, a video screen came on a wall at Elise's left, but within range for Tony to see, as well.

It has white words on a blue screen and the first slide read:

"Welcome Elise"

Then: "Today is March 1st, 2019"

"March first?" echoed Elise. "My appointment was back on January 2nd."

Then: "Thank-you for participating in this research experiment to study skin elasticity and growth after our company's new treatment."

The screen went black.

"I'm not participating in anything!" Elise shouted. "You hear me?"

Moments later, "3800ccs, 8.4 lbs" appeared on the screen.

She tried to move, but found she was kept fast by the large mechanical arm attached to brace that encircled her mid section. She could move up and down without hindrance, but the arm kept her from moving laterally.

"What the fuck is going on!" she screamed to no one in particular.

The clear tubing jumped, and then there was a soft whirring sound, as saline ran down the lines toward her armpits.

What the hell was going on? Tony wondered.

"Elise!" he yelled. "It's Tony, I'm in a room next to you!"

He could hear her from a speaker, but he had a feeling he wasn't miked.

Suddenly, the wall in front of him  Evan to slide upwards and Tony began to panic.
He was totally naked, with an erection, and his step mother was about to see him!  He fought the restraints to no avail as his gurney reclined until he was horizontal.

"Tony?" Elise asked as she watched her naked step son slowly roll out towards her.

"Elise," he said, still struggling against his bond, "I can't believe this!  I'm so sorry!"

"It's not your fault," she said, referring to both the whole situation and his raging erection.

"This is crazy," he said. "I have no idea how I got here or even where "here" is!"

The gurney slowly rolled toward his buxom step mother, his cock pointing at the ceiling.

"Someone's idea of a sick joke," she said.

"If that's the case, someone went to an awful lot of trouble for a mere joke," he replied. The gurney stopped moving when his feet were directly on front of her.

"This makes no sense," she said. "No one would do an experimental trial like this. Even if they did, having you here, makes even less sense."

Tony looked at the monitor.

"4100ccs 9.0 lbs"

"It's pumping saline into my implants at a rate far quicker than I've ever seen," she said. "I'm already over the 4000cc maximum that I wanted to go."

"I'm sorry," was all that he could think to say.

"Do you have any idea who could be doing this?" she asked. "And why they'd want you to witness it?"

"And naked at that?" he asked. "Maybe to embarrass me?"

"Because of your erection?" Elise asked. "It's okay, Tony, I know you're a male. It's going to happen. You can't help it."

"Have you always known?" he wondered. What made him ask that?

She was so gorgeous.  He loved her deep brown--almost black--irises in those big, wide-set eyes over high, swollen cheeks.  Her nose was neither large nor small, and had a slight uptick at the end.  Her lips had always been full and inviting, but he'd swear they were even fuller and more luscious than ever: the upper one with well defined peaks and a huge upsweep, the lower ballooning outward with a deep cleft, so large that it looked ready to pop from over inflation.

Yes, her lips were definitely more swollen than usual.

She nodded. "Pretty much since puberty, yeah. Like father like son."

"Sorry," he said. "Guess I didn't hide it very well."

It was so weird to be talking to her while he was naked, his cock yelling how hot he thought she was.

She shrugged. "Not a big deal," she told him.

At 4300ccs, her breasts began to bulge upward from the cups.

"I can't move with this contraption pinning me in place," she said, indicating the mechanical arm. She looked back at Tony. "Who despises us so much that they would do this?"

"Who would even be able to do this?" he asked.  It would take an awful lot of money, that was for sure, he thought.

He looked up at the gorgeous MILF directly in front of him. Her stunning face and body and rapidly ballooning breasts was so exciting that his organ ached even as a pearl of pre-cum grew at the tip of his urethra.

5000ccs @ 11 lbs = 22 lbs total

"They're getting so heavy," Elise complained. "And the bra is getting too tight!"

"Uhhh," she moaned as Tony heard a seam pop.

There was simply too much volume and weight being held under by the bra cups, even as her bosoms continued to balloon upward, out of the cups.

"If the weight gets too much, at least that mechanical arm will keep you up," tony noted.
He watched as Elise tried to bend her knees.  She descended.

"It's not allowing me to move laterally, but it is allowing me to move up and down," she reported, as she rose up on her toes briefly, before returning to a normal standing position, once more.

"Uhh..." she moaned again, as another seam popped.

5500ccs @ 12.13 lbs = 24.26 lbs total.

Someone wanted to do more than just embarrass both of them, Tony figured.  For some reason, someone wanted to push him and push him and watch him get more and more excited.   But, only from his step-mom.  It was definitely someone who had something against Elise, as there were certainly easier ways to tease him, after all.

And she looked so incredibly hot, with her mega-tits overflowing her already big cups like that.
6,000ccs @ 13.23 lbs = 26.46 lbs.

Elise looked down at her monster balloons with shock.

"Holy shit!" she cried out, holding the ballooning tops of her burgeoning bosoms as if she could contain the swelling saline. "They're so fucking huge!  Why is someone doing this!"

Semen now ran freely down Tony's shaft and his iron hard took quivered with excitement.

The lines jumped again and the bottom line on the screen changed from SLOW FLOW to MEDIUM FLOW.

"Oh" Elise cried. "Oh, shit! No!  It's pumping me even faster!"

Tony looked as panic came into her eyes. He was shamed, but it only made him even more excited.
7000ccs @ 15.23 lbs = 30.46 lbs.

several more seams popped in rapid succession.

"Oh fuck!  Oh fuck!" she cried, beginning to panic. "What am I gonna do! When will they stop swelling?  They're getting so heavy!"

Tony didn't know what to say. What could he say?

"Try sitting down on the floor," he suggested. "That arm seems to let you move downward."  He did not mention that she should sit now before she grew to big to remain standing.
She stopped, and nodded, but before she could do anything, the cords attached to her ankles tightened, pulling her feet outwards left and right.

"What the fuck!" she cried, as her legs were pulled about a meter apart--the mechanical arm keeping her from toppling over.

8000ccs @ 17.64 lbs = 35.28 lbs total

Then, the low gurney that Tony was on began to automatically slide underneath her. Tony and Elise watched in horror until Tony's hyper-excited phallus was directly below her now spread labia. The gurney stopped all motion when his cockhead was perfectly lined up and less than an inch from her inner lips.

"No!  No!   No!!" Elise screamed waiting for the mechanical arm to descend and force her onto her step son's shaft.

Once again Tony fought curiously to free himself from his bonds, to no avail.
After a few moments, when it became apparent that the mechanical arm would not force her downward, she calmed down, a little.

"This is so fucking sick," she said. "What could we have possibly done to make someone do this to us?"

Tony shook his head, even as his cockhead blushed a deeper and deeper scarlet as Elise' tortured bra continued to pop threads and her monstrous chest continued to balloon to heights.

9000ccs @ 19.84 lbs = 39.68 lbs total.

"Uuhhhh..." Elise groaned, as her heavy breasts made her grow weaker.  "I don't get it," she said.  "I just don't get it."

It was clear to Tony that whoever set up this extravagant experiment wanted to see her slowly tire from the weight of her colossal bosoms, and impale herself on his shaft. "But why?"
With another rapid report of a string of seems popping, the bra burst open, exposing Elise' hyper-pumped balloons with their now four inch wide areola.