to shadowmuse blown's blog

here you will find all nature of BE stories
although i do have a fondness for breast expansion via implants

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all material copyright 2025 by shadowmuse blown

Sunday, April 23, 2017

A Few Words On Pumping Till They (almost) Pop

Hi all,
Well, I am winding down in my studies.  I passed my last test this past week and just have a project to finish, and then I'll gain a little time to do something besides studying when I'm not at work!  Yay!
                                                                                                                                                   I have been writing "Encounter" during lunch hours, though, and actually have finished the initial draft of Part 10.  I just need to upload it to my PC and edit it before I can post it here.  My best guess for posting it would be the first weekend in May, as this week is still very busy.
                                                                                                                                                   Thanks so much to those of you who participated in the Popping Poll.  The poll, of course, asked: "Should Noelle get pumped so big that she explodes?"  With many polls in the past, the voting would sway back and forth at least once, but not with this poll.  From nearly the very beginning, the ratio was always around two-thirds against popping to one third for it.  The final tally was 44 against, to 25 in favor of it.  I got some nice feedback from both sides while the poll was going on, but the winners are the winners and Noelle will not explode during the story.  It had been suggested that, perhaps, I write an alternate scene, that's not part of the main story, where Noelle does pop, but I think I'll let Noelle stay pumped to the max and work out my popping desires on a totally separate story that's been boppin' around in my head.  I think I mentioned it somewhere in one of the comments, but I have a little story idea that I'd like to include in the "Possessions" series, so I think I might write that before finally returning to "Revenge" this summer. The story idea, isn't even really a full-blown story, but there's a scene that popped in my head (no pun intended, actually) while I was taking a shower, some weeks ago that I want to flesh out.  It's just an exchange with Kal and a new girl where he pushes it to the very extreme that I want to play with.  I'm not really sure I want her to pop, either, or if I want it to just write a scene where it gets so close that it seems so sure that she will pop.  I won't really know until I write it.  As some of you have commented, it's very hot right there at the edge where the girl's breasts are so tight, so full, so big, and oh-so-ready-to-bust, that just another ounce (or will it be two more ounces?) may be too much.  Then, let's add that ounce and see what happens... Is it too much?  What's going on in her head?  What's going on in his?  Who wants to keep adding the saline?  Is it her or is it him, and why do they want to push it so close and take that chance of blowing those overpumped balloons too smithereens?  Sometimes, when you play with matches you just have fun and sometimes you get burned.
                                                                                                                                                   In the meantime, I will post Part 10 of "Encounter" and then wrap up the story in another part or two.  It will soon be Christmas Day, and Noelle will get her wish to get as large as she can and still be able to move... sort of.  I have a certain amount of mixed feelings writing that scene as it's territory that I have not gotten to in "Revenge", and don't want to step on Tory's toes.  Tory will get there at some point and I won't want the scene to be a duplicate, so I have to be careful as to how I want to write it.  In any case, we won't really get a change to explore how real life is like for Noelle once she's pumped to that point, as I will want to save that for the novel "Revenge" rather than the relatively short story of "Encounter".
                                                                                                                                                   Once I actually do get back to writing "Revenge"--which will be done on my Revenge blog--I will continue to repost my older works here, on this blog.  I also have some old cartoons that I did when I was in college that I'd like to scan and post here, eventually, as well, that center around my character Vikki Keller--if anyone remembers her from my print stories in "Gent", and "Score" from a million years ago.
                                                                                                                                                   In any case, wish me luck with my project, and, hopefully, I'll get a chance to post Part 10 of "Encounter" within the next couple of weeks.
                                                                                                                                                   Take Care,

Sunday, April 9, 2017


Well, here it is: part 9.  I hope you like it, 'though, since there's no expansion, it's not as exciting as some earlier posts.  I feel like this part needs to be further tweaked with more references to Noelle's chest and how big and heavy it is.  I don't know.  Tell me what you think.  It's been a bit tough writing while I'm doing so much studying.  

I see that our Popping Poll is still pretty much staying the same ratio as it has been from the beginning.  It is clear that there is a big enough audience for popping, but it looks as though that's not what's gonna happen to Noelle.  The suggestion came up to write Noelle's last expansion seen without popping, but to add a variation of that scene later, with popping.  I thought that idea had a lot of merrit, but one day, in the shower, I got the idea for a short story that I'd like to do that does, indeed, involve popping.  It would fit in the "Possessions" series of stories, which many of you may remember from my old blog.  When "Encounter" is finished, I should get back to "Revenge", but I really really want to write that popping story as a chaper for "Possessions", so I might get to it, then.  We'll see.

Please be aware that this is a first draft and will probably contain type-Os. .

Part 9


Shadowmuse Blown

When Gary felt as though he might drop from the exhaustion of being kept on edge so long, Noelle amped up the tease and moved her lips halfway down his bright purple bulb so that her tongue now swirled around the entire top half of his enraged head. 

A deep, loud guttural groan from Gary told her that her actions had had the desired effect and she involuntarily tried to smile, despite the enormous plum filling her mouth. 

He was huge. 

She could barely get her tongue all the way around his swollen glans and she knew her jaw would ache soon from having to keep it open at its widest, but she was determined not to let up and so kept the swirling going for minute after minute. 

Gary had no idea how he didn't collapse from the intensity of being kept on-edge for so long. The sight of her over-plump lips halfway down his bloated cockhead was super erotic, not to mention the feel of her twin saline spheres nestled between his thighs—he felt their solid roundness pushing outward against his legs’ inner skin and muscle—so big!  Her bulging cleavage pressed against his groin and shaft.  It was hard to believe how fucking humongous she was, but here she was, her tits nearly overwhelming him.

If she just lightly touched the backside of his dome under the ridge, he knew he would explode, immediately. 

For six long minutes she teased him mercilessly, and then, with a sucking action, pulled her pillowy soft lips from his over-excited head to stare at him, lustily.

Gary gasped for air and let his body fall back onto the couch as his lungs worked for air. He had been ultra-tense for over a quarter hour, worked up to the edge of orgasm and he was exhausted. 

"What's the matter?" she cooed. "Are you okay?"

His cock oozed a constant stream of clear pre-cum as she pursed her soft superblown lips and brought her face back up near his cock until her pillowy softness was pressed up along the cleft of his cock. 

"OOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhh...." he moaned at the delicious, erotically delightful sensation. 

Slowly, Noelle rode her pressed lips up and down his cleft causing Gary to go into a series of convulsions. 

It was such an incredibly wonderful feeling!  She looked hot as hell and his cock was sending Nirvana-like feelings as her lips messaged the underside of his hyper-excited missile. 

She teased him slowly--moving with care and deliberateness, occasionally letting the tip of her tongue poke out to ride his cleft, making him gasp and cry out with delirium. 

Minute after minute passed as Gary's stream of precum grew in volume.  After another half dozen minutes, Noelle went back to her initial tease where just the tip of her tongue played between the ridge ends just below his urethra opening for a minute or so, then she included the ridge ends for another minute or so.  After that she repeated the tight swirling at the tip of his cock for a minute and then the deeper swirling halfway down his bulb for a minute before returning to running her pressed lips up and down his cleft, occasionally using the tip of her tongue as she did so for yet another minute. After that, she repeated that sequence: each tease lasting about a minute, and when she was done with the "round" of five teases--each round taking about five minutes--she repeated them again. 

And again. 

And again.

And again. 

And again. 

Never did she touch the lower portions of his cockhead, which he longed for as she continued to tease and tease and tease. 

Gary's moans had grown in volume till he cried out each time she changed her "round" and bucked, as if electrocuted, as she performed each tease. 

It was about an hour since they had first entered the hotel room when Noelle raised her head once more to watch Gary lay back and flush his lungs with deep, quick breaths. 

"Are you okay?" she cooed. 

She looked at his monster prong: so ready to burst—so purple and so big and hard. Surely it was about eleven and a half inches long, now. She wouldn't be satisfied till he was a complete foot in length. 

Gary watched her cool expression as he panted from the extreme workout she had just given him. 

He smiled and nodded, unable to speak, yet. 

She winked at him and leaned back, his pole leaving the confines of her warm cleavage. In the next instant, she was gone, having rolled backward onto the floor, and her black-booted legs appeared. 

"Unzip me," she called from the floor. 

He leaned forward as she lay one of her shapely calves across his legs. Somehow, running the zipper open, down that soft leather boot—that adhered to her calves like a second skin—felt very erotic. He pulled the first black boot off and then she lay her other leg in his lap for him to repeat the process. 

Beneath the boots, she wore white stockings that were held up by a white garter about her waist.  She wore no panties.  It was a very hot look. 

When he had cast aside the second boot, she asked him to help her to her feet. 

He leaned forward to see her lying on the floor, her breasts lying on her chest. She could barely breath. 

He got up and bent over to take hold of her outstretched arms.  He got her to a sitting position in short order, then repositioned himself so that he could step backward and help pull her to her feet. 

She stood there, in front of him, her humongous overpumped glands millimeters from his ribcage.  Then, she let them brush against his chest as she began to rotate her torso back and forth. 

"You ready for some really serious teasing?" she asked, grabbing his iron pole midway up his shaft. 

Gary nodded. 

Sure, why not? he thought, although he wondered if he'd survive if what he'd just been through wasn't "serious".

She smiled, deviously, and turned toward the bedroom area of the suite, letting her hand caress his teeming glans it slid off his pole.

Gary gasped, his monster cock jumping and flushing a deep scarlet in response. 

He heard her laugh, lightly, as he followed her to the king size bed. 

"Lie down, baby," she told him. "Spread eagled."

Gary lay on his back in the center of the bed and splayed his arms and legs wide, and awaited her response.  But she was gone. 

She returned momentarily, iPhone and external Bluetooth speakers in tow, which she placed on a bureau. 

She danced a little to the music. Nothing too rough, this time, as she was still smarting from her earlier escapades. But she did move her body rhythmically and erotically to the deep bass of the music. She danced for a while around the bed, turning about so that he could see her insane body from all angles. 

After dancing slowly to a few songs, she clambered up on the bed and approached his prone form on her knees. 

His flesh spike was as solid as ever, slowly oozing precum. 

Gary watched as she brought her thighs right up under his own splayed pair. She remained kneeling in an upright position: her own thighs perpendicular to the mattress. Her massive bulwarks towered above him as she reached for his shaft with her left hand—about midway up his pole. 

There's no way she can see my cock, he thought to himself. Her tits are just too damn huge!

Gary was right, but Noelle didn't need to see his cock to tease it. 

She rose her other hand with fore-finger and middle-finger raised in a "V" as if making a peace-sign at him. But she soon rotated her hand so that she was now "flipping the V" at him. 

As he watched, the two raised digits began to bend and curve as if to mimic two hooks, spread apart. She grinned an evil grin as she lowered her hand—palms towards him—until his throbbing meat was between those hooks. She positioned her hand so that her curved fingers lay just below his sensitive collar. Her palm did not touch his shaft at all. 

Slowly, she brought her hand upwards so that her two fingers rode over either side of his collar, bringing moans of ecstasy from Gary, his member flushing and surging as her fingers nestled under the ridges of his bloated cockhead. She didn't let her digits ride up on his dome, however, but, lowered her hand to caress either side of his collar, again. This action she repeated as she pouted for him over her twin canons of swollen lust. 

After five minutes or so, as precum freely flowed, once again, from his over-excited organ, she stepped up the tease, swiveling her torso back forth while her palm came in contact with his sensitive cleft. 

A deep groan of ecstasy brought a wide smile to her overblown lips. 

"What is it, baby?" she cooed. "Are you alright?  Should I stop?"

"No..." Gary gasped, and then groaned even deeper as the bottom of the "V" between her fingers caught, and rode over, the bottom of his dome's ridge. Now, her palm ran over the length of the top of his bulb and the "V" caressed his collar and ridge, adding these sensations to her curved fingers playing along the sides of his collar and ridge. This manipulation of his cockhead from three sides drove him wild and he was soon bucking like a leaf in a hurricane as he cried out with the intense sensations. 

She pouted for him as she teased his deep purple apple, knowing that if she were to touch his cleft, he would probably explode instantly. 

"That's it, baby," she teased. "Squirm and shake for me. I wanna push it and push it baby. I want you to just keep getting more and more excited, baby. Look at my bloated tits and let me push you further than you've ever gone, baby."

She rocked her torso in time to deep rhythms of the electronic dance music as she teased him and teased him and teased him. 

After ten minutes, she switched tactics and brought her palm up to the very tip where she cupped it and began to swirl it around on just the very end of his teeming bulb. 

"Uhhhhhhh!!" Gary exclaimed, the intensity of her tease overwhelming him again. Those huge swollen balloons of hers called to him, accelerating his excitement, but her tactics kept him from cumming as she teased him relentlessly for the next five minutes. After that, she repeated these three different modes of tease on him, switching modes every five minutes, or so. 

Little by little, Noelle thought as she teased him and teased him and teased him. Millimeter by millimeter, Gary's cock rose upward as the minutes rolled by in delirious ecstasy. 

When Noelle felt that he was finally up to a full foot in height, she stopped her ministrations to let Gary take a breather. 

He panted and gasped, letting his head fall back on the mattress from the raised position he had held it for the last half hour. 

"What's wrong, baby?" she cooed. "Are you okay?"

After a minute or two, Gary was able to utter a word or two. 

"Holy..." he gasped... "shit..."

"Reach up between my breasts, baby," she cooed. "It's about time we took out the heavy artillery."

Gary reached up to the two planets suspended above him and pushed his fingers between the white satin cups to find the front clasp awaiting his eager fingers. As he twisted the clasp, he could feel her heavy baubles press down on the backs of his hands and fingers with their swollen mass. It took a couple of minutes to undo the connection. 

Finally, it came apart and he pulled back the cups to reveal her enormous globes of powerful lust. 

Her monster spheres bobbled tautly in place for a moment as she pulled the straps off her shoulders to discard the brassiere.

Gary felt his cock surge as her huge areolae came into view: enormous puffy pink domes which were about eight inches in diameter and rose a full two inches high from the curve of her breasts, proper. Where did these supersized, swollen areolae come from? She certainly didn't have such attributes before!
In the center of her Olympus Mons areolae were her stiff half-inch-long nipples. The whole effect pushed his libido even higher. Her breasts drove him crazy with the stiff corks and gigantic swollen areola domes. 

Noelle smiled fiendishly upon seeing his reaction to her augmented areolae.  She could barely see his features, though, above the horizon of her mammoth overpumped glands.  She smiled, inwardly.  Her bloated areolea were one more thing to push his excitement!

She leaned forward, letting her enormous saline-blimps land on his upper ribs and collar bones. She braced herself on the mattress with outstretched hands as she felt his teeming prong rub against her abdomen. 

Gary watched those twin beach balls of desire land on him right in front of his face—felt their weight press down on his upper torso.

Damn! he thought.  She has to haul around this much weight all the time!

Fifty-three pounds of saline-filled breasts were pressing down on him.  Each breath he took was a little labored, now.  These were forces to be reckoned with.  

“Now you know what I have to carry around every waking moment,” she whispered.  

He felt his slick cock's underside slide along her belly and gasped just as one of her thick nipples pushed up against his lips, his face full of her swollen areolae. 

Sex, itself, had come to call, and was slowly turning him into a puddle of goo. He was totally overwhelmed by the sheer obscene magnitude of her monster bosoms. One minute she is teasing him with her giant breasts mostly hidden and, basically, only on display. Then, suddenly, she revealed them in all their naked, erotic glory and they are literally shoved in his mouth!

He reached up to place his hands on the outside of her Brobdingnagian wonders as he sucked her rubbery teat into his mouth.  Noelle began to rhythmically push her bloated beluga into his face. She moved her whole frame forward and back to do this, which resulted in her stomach riding up and down along the hyper-excited cleft of his cock. 

"Uhh!" Noelle cried out, as Gary sucked in her big spigot. 

Gary moaned, in return, from the delicious sensations coming from his over-excited cannon as his sensitive cleft and the underside ridges of his dome ran along her tight tummy, his precum now geysering, unseen, beneath Noelle's body as she rocked back and forth. 

Gary felt her half incher swell and harden beneath his suckling. His whole world was the deep pink areola directly in front of his face, and the round horizon of her breast falling away behind that. His face was full of that swollen mountain one moment, as she pushed it forward. He could feel the warmth and softness of her skin and how the areola was more yielding than the surrounding breast, which surprised him. Then, that huge mass would pull back, slightly, in the next moment, so that he could breath, but only for a moment before the cycle repeated anew as her nipple elongated and hardened, and his cock grew ever more excited.

Noelle made cooing noises which morphed into moans as he sucked her nipple to nearly a full inch. After about five minutes, she instructed him to switch to her other breast. 

Gary, whose head had been canted to the left, now craned his neck to the right to try to reach her other prong. 

Noelle shifted slightly to the right on her next rhythmic movement, allowing him full access to her other cork. 

Half a dozen minutes later, Noelle's moans were nearly cries when she stopped. 

"Help me get back up, baby," she instructed, for the heavy weight of both breasts would be born solely by her back and she didn't want to take a chance of pulling a muscle. 

Gary pushed up on both of her monstrous bombs. The weight was considerable, and it been quite a few years since Gary had bench pressed weights, but slowly--and with considerable grunting from Gary's part—they were able to get her back to her previous position, kneeling upright before his crotch. 

She pushed her massive whales apart to peer down through her, now spread, cleavage in order to look at his throbbing weapon of lust. 

"Fuck, you are so hard and so... purple!" she squealed, as she watched precum copiously ooze down his shaft.  

She reached down and placed an index finger along the back of his collar, nestled up under his ridge. 

"Uhh..." Gary gasped. 

"You ready to fuck me?" she cooed, moving her index finger in a slight rolling motion, but keeping it in place. "Or should I just tease you like this for another hour?"

Gary groaned as she brought her finger further up the back of his pulsating dome.
She raised herself up—letting her finger slip down his super-excited organ, where she held him just below his collar—until her crotch was above his Saturn V rocket. 

Gary watched as she positioned herself above his monster spike, her lips dripping warm juices.  Her position was awkward—especially with her humongous chest trying to throw her off balance—one hand on his shaft, the other spreading wide her puffy labia. 

Then, he felt a thrill at the very tip of his cock as her inner lips coddled him. 

She looked down on his face. 

"How long will you last, baby?" she asked. 

He felt so ready to explode. He wondered, himself, how long he would make it before he would bust. 

He shook his head and bit his lower lip as she took half his apple within her opening. 

They were both shaking now as she lifted off him. 

"Maybe I should stop and tease you some more," she cooed, then paused and smiled, returning her inner lips to his pulsating bulb where she rhythmically pushed herself onto half his bulb and then withdrew till she barely touched him, and repeated that, slowly, over and over again. 

Gary arched his back and groaned, watching her big balloons dance above him as she teased him just inside the entrance to her tunnel. Her bloated areolae and stiff inch-long nipples tantalized him, obscenely. 

Gonna make you cum! they teased. 

He could feel her juices running down his shaft. 

She kept this up for several minutes before suddenly taking his whole head inside. 

Gary gasped, and she stopped, her inner lips caressing his collar. 

Noelle was breathing fairly hard, too, now. 

"You're so big, baby," she whispered, as she tightened her vaginal muscles around his teeming cockhead. 

"Uhhhh..." Gary moaned. 

"You gonna pop?" she asked him. 

"I think..." he began, "I think I'm okay...". Then he grinned. "But... we'll see..."
She nodded, and began her slow descent onto his enormous shaft.