to shadowmuse blown's blog

here you will find all nature of BE stories
although i do have a fondness for breast expansion via implants

>>>>>>>------- nevada is coming -------<<<<<<<

my "Revenge" Blog
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all material copyright 2025 by shadowmuse blown

Sunday, April 23, 2017

A Few Words On Pumping Till They (almost) Pop

Hi all,
Well, I am winding down in my studies.  I passed my last test this past week and just have a project to finish, and then I'll gain a little time to do something besides studying when I'm not at work!  Yay!
                                                                                                                                                   I have been writing "Encounter" during lunch hours, though, and actually have finished the initial draft of Part 10.  I just need to upload it to my PC and edit it before I can post it here.  My best guess for posting it would be the first weekend in May, as this week is still very busy.
                                                                                                                                                   Thanks so much to those of you who participated in the Popping Poll.  The poll, of course, asked: "Should Noelle get pumped so big that she explodes?"  With many polls in the past, the voting would sway back and forth at least once, but not with this poll.  From nearly the very beginning, the ratio was always around two-thirds against popping to one third for it.  The final tally was 44 against, to 25 in favor of it.  I got some nice feedback from both sides while the poll was going on, but the winners are the winners and Noelle will not explode during the story.  It had been suggested that, perhaps, I write an alternate scene, that's not part of the main story, where Noelle does pop, but I think I'll let Noelle stay pumped to the max and work out my popping desires on a totally separate story that's been boppin' around in my head.  I think I mentioned it somewhere in one of the comments, but I have a little story idea that I'd like to include in the "Possessions" series, so I think I might write that before finally returning to "Revenge" this summer. The story idea, isn't even really a full-blown story, but there's a scene that popped in my head (no pun intended, actually) while I was taking a shower, some weeks ago that I want to flesh out.  It's just an exchange with Kal and a new girl where he pushes it to the very extreme that I want to play with.  I'm not really sure I want her to pop, either, or if I want it to just write a scene where it gets so close that it seems so sure that she will pop.  I won't really know until I write it.  As some of you have commented, it's very hot right there at the edge where the girl's breasts are so tight, so full, so big, and oh-so-ready-to-bust, that just another ounce (or will it be two more ounces?) may be too much.  Then, let's add that ounce and see what happens... Is it too much?  What's going on in her head?  What's going on in his?  Who wants to keep adding the saline?  Is it her or is it him, and why do they want to push it so close and take that chance of blowing those overpumped balloons too smithereens?  Sometimes, when you play with matches you just have fun and sometimes you get burned.
                                                                                                                                                   In the meantime, I will post Part 10 of "Encounter" and then wrap up the story in another part or two.  It will soon be Christmas Day, and Noelle will get her wish to get as large as she can and still be able to move... sort of.  I have a certain amount of mixed feelings writing that scene as it's territory that I have not gotten to in "Revenge", and don't want to step on Tory's toes.  Tory will get there at some point and I won't want the scene to be a duplicate, so I have to be careful as to how I want to write it.  In any case, we won't really get a change to explore how real life is like for Noelle once she's pumped to that point, as I will want to save that for the novel "Revenge" rather than the relatively short story of "Encounter".
                                                                                                                                                   Once I actually do get back to writing "Revenge"--which will be done on my Revenge blog--I will continue to repost my older works here, on this blog.  I also have some old cartoons that I did when I was in college that I'd like to scan and post here, eventually, as well, that center around my character Vikki Keller--if anyone remembers her from my print stories in "Gent", and "Score" from a million years ago.
                                                                                                                                                   In any case, wish me luck with my project, and, hopefully, I'll get a chance to post Part 10 of "Encounter" within the next couple of weeks.
                                                                                                                                                   Take Care,


  1. Cris I know that you have told me in the past that your Superblown series was posted on Keisha's pages, please, please could you see about getting it back to post here? it's one of my favourite implant stories and deserves pride of place with it's writer again please?

  2. Sure. If you'd like, I'll post it here this summer when I begin posting parts of "Revenge" on my other blog.

    So glad you like that one. That was written quite a long time ago, and I thought it had a fairly unique perspective.
